With the support of our generous donors, Love Tribe Project has built several classrooms in the Maasai villages of Amboseli. Prior to these classrooms and access to education, these children were herding goats, working in the fields or helping their mothers walk for water. With the implementation of life saving water bore holes that eleviated the brutal task of women and children walking miles for water, Love Tribe Project has built many new classrooms in these villages. Along with the buildings we supply desks, books, uniforms, shoes and teachers.
The photo above is representing the next step: implementing and maintaining a scholarship program that allows children to attend school and become prepared for the education process that will intime render them future leaders in their communities, thereby giving back and further uplifting the Maasai people in this region.
To date we have 63 sponsored children, however the need is great as many are from single parent or impoverished families. Please click on the donation button to help get these children in school and on their way to a better and brighter future. As a donor you will receive regular updates on your child’s progress.