Amboseli, Kenya
Amboseli is an area south of Nairobi, the Capital of Kenya, close to the Tanzanian border near Mt Kilamanjaro. In this iconic area live the indigenous tribal people called the Maasai. The Maasai are revered for their warrior reputation, their colorful clothing and jewelry and their distinctive customs and history. This area is rich in wildlife and has many 5-star luxury lodges, however in contrast, the Maasai people living in this area have no accessible water, power or sufficient schools and other necessary resources.
Despite challenges to integrate into modern society, the Maasai have maintained a big part of their traditions and lifestyle setting them apart from other Kenyan tribes. Most still wear a Shuka, a colorful checkered cloth and are laden with their colorful beaded jewelry. The Maasai men are famous for their performance of a traditional jumping dance called the adumu, a highly recognized ritual of Maasai life.
The Maasai are well known for their intricate and beautiful beaded jewelry. Women make the jewelry and the men travel to the major cities and tourist areas to sell the jewelry to support the community back home.
Love Tribe Project has a personal relationship with many of the people from the Maasai communities in Amboseli. We are committed to helping them get the basic necessities of life while preserving their sacred culture.